AMIGOS has adopted as its own, the Code of Ethics created by the American Optometric Association in 1944. All credit is given to the A.O.A. for its content. The AMIGOS adaptation of the code states:
It shall be the Ideal, the Resolve, and the Duty of the Members of the AMIGOS organization:
- TO KEEP the visual welfare of the patient uppermost at all times
- TO PROMOTE in every possible way better care of the visual needs of mankind
- TO ENHANCE continuously their educational and technical proficiency to the end that their patients shall receive the benefits of all acknowledged improvements in visual care
- TO SEE THAT no person shall lack for visual care, regardless of financial status
- TO ADVISE the patient whenever consultation with an optometric colleague or reference for other professional care seems advisable
- TO HOLD in professional confidence all information concerning a patient and to use such data only for the benefit of the patient
- TO CONDUCT themselves as exemplary citizens
- TO PROMOTE and maintain cordial and unselfish relationships with members of their own profession and of other professions for the exchange of information to the advantage of mankind
AMIGOS accomplishes these goals by embarking on several eye care missions to foreign countries each year. AMIGOS strives to provide a resource for continued care within the communities it serves. This plugs the patients into the existing health care system, and perpetuates a stronger health care program.
THE PATIENT ALWAYS COMES FIRST. Personal and group goals are always subject to this creed. Thus, AMIGOS maintains high ethical standards with regard to patient care.
Organizational Bylaws
For more information, view the AMIGOS Eye Care Bylaws.